Saturday, 6 April 2013

Q6: What Have You Learnt About Technologies from the Process of Constructing This Product?

During the process of creating our media film, I have learnt about using many different technologies, from improving my knowledge of an Apple Mac to using camera accessories to improve the quality of my shots. We used Apple Macs as opposed to PCs as the equipment available on the Macs is more advanced and simpler to use, as well as being compatible with all programs.

  • Sites such as Vimeo were enjoyable to use due to the quality of the videos and the aesthetics of the site itself.
  • Effects such as the slightly red wash were used on iMovie to enhance the effect wanted on our movie.
  • Sites such as Vimeo, YouTube and SoundCloud had an especially useful embed button with which enabled us to insert videos and sound onto our blog without the user having to follow a link to another website. This keeps the flow of the blog going and makes it more accessible and easy to use.
  • Blogger was useful as it has unlimited storage, and sites such as GoAnimate and Piktochart were useful in the presentation of data.
  • KeepVid screenshots:
KeepVid was easy to use, as you only had to copy and paste a YouTube link to the website and it would convert it to whatever format you wanted.

I wanted to use a specific camera with a manual focus so we could complete the pull focus and unfocused shots we wanted to take. We managed to borrow a camera with a manual focus so I could complete these shots.

I used the tripod on shots such as this one (below) to stabilise the shot where needed.

These are examples of some of the equipment I used during the process:

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